Valentine's Day came and went. That was 1 month since my last cycle, when I say cycle I mean period (there was some confusion after my last post). Ricky and I had talked and decided we would give it an extra week. Saturday was all the extra time my body needed. Monday morning I called the clinic. Several hours later we got the call with our new schedule and transfer date, April 18th at 11:30 AM. We are feeling cautiously optimistic. I am receiving accupuncture weekly and will increase to twice a week closer to the transfer. God has been given me so many beautiful reminders of who He is and the promises we have through faith in Him. Song, my current Bible Study, and sermons at church. Ellie Holcomb's song "He Will" is such a comfort to me. The chorus says: He'll bind up the brokenhearted Oh He will, oh He will He'll set captives free from darkness Oh He will, oh He will He'll breathe hope into the hopeless Help a restless soul be still Oh-ohh, oh-ohh He will, He will

What incredible promises! Sharon Pease, you have made me an evewn bigger Ellie Holcomb fan! Her songs are rooted in scripture. I heard someone describe her as a modern day psalmist.

Lent started on February 14th. I have been doing the She Reads Truth Lenten study and it has been such as encouragement to me. The study is on Exodus. Today's reading was on Passover. Just like the blood of that spotless lamb set the Isrealities, God's people apart. That blood spared them from death, Jesus's blood, his perfect life and sacrifice does that for us, spares us from death. He allows us to live freely through grace because of His sacrifice.

Sunday at church our pastor talked about that Jesus came to end religon, I love that! He came to have relationship with us and through that relationship create life change. I have no idea if what will happen over the next two months, but one thing I am sure of is my identity in Christ. I feel like There haven been all these tangible reminders of that, everywhere I turn I am reminded of what He did to set me free and alloiw me to live in His grace. I am not sure why there have been challenges to use this last embyro, but I do know that we are being faithful to what God has called us to do. Ricky and I continue to prayer for wisdon and guidance. This process has a lot of waiting, A lot of time in between any updates. Thakn you for praying with us and waiting along with us.

