Let's start with the good news:

  1. My estrogen was great today
  2. I have not had any negative side effects from the new hormones
  3. My linig looked great

Now for the bad news:

  1. Today during my day 7 FET ultrasound they found an area of fulid

You might ask, what happens next? I continue to follow my calendar. Then on January 3rd I have another ultrasound, if the fluid is still there it is highly likely that they will cancel the FET and we will need to start over. If I am honest I feel completely devastated. I was feeling so hopeful after our surgery and the good news.We want to be faithful to what we feel God has called us to, but it is difficult right now. I feel like we are about to walk through MONTHS of appointments. It feels a lot like Deja Vu. My prayer is for the fluid to disapear.

We had a wonderful Christmas and were able to see some of both sides of the family. We hope you have had a wonderful time celebrating the holidays with family and friends. Wishing you a blessed New Year!
