Ricky and I got back last night from a relaxing vacation in Hilton Head, SC. The weather was perfect, mid 80s and blue skies. We enjoyed several lovely dinners, relaxed by the pool and went kayaking through the salt marsh where we saw dolphins!

We had our last scheduled ultrasound before the transfer today and we are 100% nothing standing in our way ready for the transfer this Tuesday. Under normal circumstances you don’t share the date and time of your pregnancy. A lot of woman don’t even share that they are pregnant until the end of the first trimester. But we have talked about it and covet all your prayers and support. The transfer is scheduled for Tuesday 5/26/15 at 11:30 AM, mark your calendars if you are a calendar marker!

To be honest it is still very surreal given all the ups and downs we have had up until this point. Of course we are thrilled to be taking this next step to grow our family.

Thank you for your ongoing prayers and support.
