The last week has been filled with firsts and lasts. Last week Friday I started by subq injections, so far so good! I have taken an oral birth control pill as my hormone replacement therapy since Spring of 2005 and I took my last one (at least for now) tonight. In the weeks leading up to the frozen embryo transfer our days our filled with more firsts, more new medications, and more ultrasounds (although we have done several of those now so you really can’t consider those firsts). We signed all the paperwork at the fertility clinic and things are all set for January 14th. Our fertility doctor shared with us that the doctor in Michigan that worked with the embryos we adopted was her resident during her fellowship! God is so good!

Ricky and I would also like to share some of the ways we have seen God’s faithfulness and blessings to us in the process:

Homestudy - we are so blessed that they reduced the price of the home study by $1,000

Frozen embryo transfer - another financial blessing that the cost was reduced by $1,500

Payment program - the old payment program was only 3 months. They are now doing a 12 month payment program