Ricky and I are thrilled to announce that we have accepted the match from yesterday’s update. This family from Michigan has 6, day 6 old blastocysts. Two of the 6 were vertified (newer technology) and 4 of the 6 were slow frozen. Our fertility clinic reviewed all the information and felt this was a good match for us. We will begin phase 1 of contracts this week. We cannot start the medication to prepare for the embryo implantation until the fertility clinic has received a signed parenting agreement and a signed consent for the transfer and store of the embryos.

Our fertility clinic is hoping we will be able to try to implant in January 2015, and then baby Pease would be due in September 2015!!!

It is a little scary, exciting and surreal all at the same time. Ricky and I are having a little celebratory dinner tonight with home made apple pie and a meal that our dear friends Matt & Maja Carpenter introduced us to called “food on toast”.

We are praying that the legal process goes smoothly and quickly! We will keep you updated as we move through the process.


—Ricky and Angela
