I must give credit where credit is due, my brother-in-law Shawn told us after we announced that we were pregnant that he was no longer praying for snowflakes but for snowmen! Ricky and I just loved it! Thanks Shawn.

Ricky and I had our 11 week ultrasound yesterday and the twins are doing great! They were moving so much the doctor couldn't get them in the save picture. We graduated from the fertility clinic and I got to stop all my hormone supplements!!! YAY! We have our first OB appointment at 14 weeks on October 21st.

Thank you so much for all your prayers and support. The reality of needing two of everything is setting in, but we are thrilled.

We continue to pray for God's protection for the twins, a healthy pregnancy and healthy babies.

Stop by the blog www.peasefamily,net for pictures of the twins snowmen progress and our graduation gift from the fertility clinic.